Monday, April 28, 2008

Random Fact of the Day - Red Alert!

I think I might add a new feature to my blog: The Random Fact of the Day segment. Today's random fact is the origin of the term "red alert." Have you ever thought about why it is 'red' alert instead of 'yellow' alert or 'black' alert? It is because of the wavelength of the color of light. If you are an amateur astronomer or have ever taken an astronomy lab class, then you know that when you are outside at night observing stars and need to illuminate a piece of paper, you use a red light. The cells in your eye that pick up red light are extremely insensitive to light. What that means is that your pupils do not dilate as much with red light as they do with other colors of light. When a ship goes to red alert the lights change to red to allow the crew's eyes to adapt to dark conditions and prepare for if the power is lost and all the lights go out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
