Saturday, January 19, 2008


Cloverfield came out last night and I saw it with Michelle and my good friend Ryan. I can't even begin to say how disappointed I was! I knew going in that it was going to be shot in first person, like Blair Witch, but they made it really shaky. I couldn't even last the whole movie. I tried to tough it out, but about 30 minutes into the movie I couldn't take it anymore and Michelle and I left. I stayed until I was a second away from puking and I regretted that I stayed that long because I felt really sick for the rest of the night. We made Ryan stay in the theater so he could tell us what happened. Luckily the movie was only 1 hour and 15 minutes, and the movie concept that Ryan described seems really cool, but I get really sick from the first person point of view in movies and video games and stuff like that. If you get motion sickness at all, DO NOT GO SEE THIS MOVIE! About 25% of the sold out theatre left because they were getting sick, and they guy who was handing out the refunds said that they have never had a movie where they had to give out so many refunds for motion sickness.

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lo llaguter said...
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