Saturday, September 29, 2007

Why Scrubs is the Greatest Thing on Television


Scrubs is my favorite show on t.v. right now and I'll tell you why. It is the show that can make me consistently laugh every single episode. It deals with serious issues, too, like the problem with seriously sick people who have no insurance and the issue of faith in doctors who see trauma on a dialy basis. But the reason why I like it so much is that it makes me cry. I dont really cry over much, but there are two episodes of Scrubs that make me cry every single time I see them: the episode when Ben Sullivan (Brendan Fraser's character)dies and everyone goes to his funeral and Dr. Cox thinks he's still talking to Ben. And the second one is when Laverne dies. No other comedy can make cry and that is why Scrubs is the best thing on television.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought that we weren't allowed to talk about things that make you cry???