Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just found out that I have freemason heritage in my family. How cool is that??? I have a great uncle (I think that's the relation) who was a 3rd degree Master Mason. I also have a great aunt who was into the Daughter's of Job for a little while. I am trying to investigate more into my freemason heritage, but I think its so interesting that there was a Master Mason in my family!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm just excited that I know what a Freemason is! (Thank you National Treasure) =)

Anonymous said...

I think that that's really neat. I love history (planning to major in it. . .two more years till college, though) and I really wish that I was someway a part of it. I don't think I was unless my great grandpa or something was a communist activist in Russia. . .which he probably was, since he was from there and that would be my luck. Anyways (this isn't about me!) congratulations, as a "history geek" you're probably pretty excited!
And I'm glad National Treasure has touched the minds of the nation.
I was looking for your other eight "top 10 most important events in history." But I seem to be hopeless at looking for blogs. Look where I ended up!