Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dear Eric and Rebecca Wakeling,

I'm sorry for spilling a half gallon of primer on your garage floor. I tried to clean as much of it as I could, and most people will probably never notice it, but you know its there and I know its there. So, I am sorry. From now on, I will read new paint sprayer instructions in full before I attempt to spay praint anything. I will no longer feel that hand tightening paint sprayer hose connections is sufficient. I will always use a wrench to tighten connections from now on.



Anonymous said...

you make me laugh

Eric Wakeling said...

Are you kidding me? You helped me for 8 hours in my garage. Did you spill some paint? Yes. Does it matter? No.
Did you unselfishly help me for a long time? YES!!!!
I appreciate it a ton. Don't worry about the paint.

Matt Doan said...

This post just made my entire week