Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lessons from the Hopi

I am taking an Anthropology of Religion class this semester. I know its not history, but my graduate advisor recommended that I take at least one cross-disciplinary class and this class looked easy enough to handle when the baby comes in November. Plus it works very well with developing my thesis topic (which I am already starting to formulate, but will save for another time). Last night I was reading about Hopi religion. Because of their religion, they are in constant commune with nature. They view their religion not as becoming, but as being. Here is a quote from the book: "Here we find people who do not so much seek communion with environing nature as find themselves in communion with it." This got me thinking, how much different would my walk with God be if I had this same mentality. What would it be like if I didn't see God as someone who I can go to on Sundays, or when I pray, or when its convenient for me to call on Him, but as someone who is always there living my life with me? What would it be like if I saw myself in constant commune with God? How much would my daily walk change? Would I do things differently? Would I get mad at the guy who cuts me off on the freeway? Would I take my relationship with God for granted?

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