Friday, September 12, 2008

Something to think about

I just came across this quote from NT Wright in one of his lecture for the Veritas Forum.

"This is just an amazing book, this Bible. We Christians don’t actually take it nearly seriously enough. But how do we take it seriously?...Scripture is not designed to be authoritative in the sense of having a textbook on the shelf so that you can go and look up the right answer to your questions. There are lots of right answers to lots of questions, but that’s not how the authority of Scripture works. According to the Bible itself, God is the one with authority. At the end of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus doesn’t say “All authority in Heaven and Earth is given to the books you chaps are going to go and write.” Jesus says “All authority in Heaven and Earth is given to me.” So if you take the authority of Scripture seriously, that must actually be a scrunched-down, shorthand way of saying the authority that God has given to Jesus is somehow mediated through scripture

I need to read my Bible more!

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